When she return home, she was so excited to see the rabbit. We decided to name this rabbit "Happy" and hope that she really bring Kendra lots of happiness. My little girl was so busy on that day, she keep on asking carrot from me to bring to the rabbit. When she want to go to have her nap, she wish Happy "nite nite" (actually that time is only 3.00pm) and ask us to keep quiet because Happy want to "kao kao" (sleep)....... so funny!
Beside the rabbit, her beloved gong gong had get her a motorbike. Before she get on the bike, she is so excited too as she don't know that the bike can be move by just step on the button. When the bike is moving, she was so scare and keep saying she don't want it...ahhaha, her gong gong feel so "sayang" to buy a bike that she dare not to sit on it again.....
On Sunday, due to hubby need to go for the prayer (Ching Meng), so I have to take care of Kendra by my own again. After feeding and bathing her, I brought her to the McDonald. Another surprise for her. She is very behave the whole morning and make me felt that worth to bring her there. I am so surprise that she can finished the whole harsh brown by her own without mess up her clothes.
After having the breakfast, I bought her go up stair to the playground. There are few kids inside and one of the boy come near to me and told me that he met Kendra in the school.....what a coincidence, Kendra met her schoolmate here. The gor gor was so "protective" towards Kendra, keep holding her hand and taking care of her in the playground.
I think Kendra was so enjoy her weekend until this morning she refuse to go to nursery again. She keep on asking me to bring her to McDonald and don't send her to the nursery.
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