Get Paid For Your Post

Have you ever think of earning some side income thru blogging? What I mean here is get paid to blog on some products or services. If you really thought of it, then you should give Smorty a try. It's a blog advertising website to connect advertisers with bloggers like me. What you need to do is to accept the given task and provide your opinion or comment about the advertiser's products or services on you blog and you will get paid for blogging about it.

The best part I like Smorty is their weekly payout. As soon as your post has been approved, you will be paid for that blog article on the first payment day of that week. To start to blog for money, you need a blog which was elder than 3 months old and must be indexed by Google or Yahoo. You can have as many blogs as you can manage to earn more money.

So, start joining it and make more money by now!


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