MMR Jab and Chicken Pox Jab

Kendra suppose to have her MMR jab this month but due to her condition now, i think I'll postpone it to next month. She is still having cough now. What nanny had suggested me this morning is give her some "Monkey Bezoar Powder"(猴 棗 末). Will try to get her tonight and hope that she will get well soon and have the jab very soon.

I plan to give her the chicken pox jab too. This chicken pox jab need to be taken after 1 month of the MMR jab. Some will have fever after taking this MMR jab and I hope Kendra will be fine after taking this jab as she had been suffer quite some times oredi.....As for the previous pneumococcal jabs, she is ok, no fever too!


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