
I like this Envirosax very much and lately their Origami range catch my eyes and end up it's in my collection....LOL!!!!! The pouch that comes along with the set is so special and this is the main reason I got it from so far away!!!! I emailed the distributor here and being told that they never bring in the set with pouch, so I have to buy it outside Malaysia.

He is 1 Today....

Time flies and he turn 1 today. No big birthday party for him as usual as I'm a lazy mom and hate all the cleaning job after party (don't laugh so loud ya...:))))) Will have a simple dinner with my family tonight.

I had been recalling what had happen last year this day from morning till now. It's a HARD day for me last year at this time. I know I know.... I should not think too much since me and Randal are well now, but my mind just non stop flashing back what had happen that day....sob sob!!!

Okay Okay, let's talk about Randal progress.

**He is able to walk very well now. whenever we are outside or in the mall, he likes to walk by his own.

**He is able to recognize some of us in the family...... daddy, mommy, jie jie (Kendra), gong gong (grandpa), por por (grandma) and yi yi (aunties)

**like to mumble a lot but we don't understand his baby language.

**he likes to get on his sister's bicycle now. Everytime when we are in my parent's house, sure he will looks for it!!!

**He is 9.5kg and taking semi solid now. Still on Isomil and 3 feedings per day @ 210ml each feed.

**taken all the compulsory and optional jab to date.

**can't think of anything to write already...... will post more after the dinner tonight!!!!!


mommy wish you healthy and happy always!!!!!

Nod His Head - Video

Nod His Head

Before I drop Randal to his nanny house this morning, we went to my parent's house which is just next door of his nanny's house. My parents were so happy to see him and so does him. The first things he saw my dad is ask for carry.... He will open his arms wide and ask them to carry. And my dad will carry him without saying NO and straight away bring him to the dining hall. My dad brought out a big can of raisins and let him to taste some. After that, they came back to the living hall.

My dad left the can of raisin on the staircase. Randal spotted it and he keep nod his head while pointing it to my dad..... My dad keep asking him whether he still want that raisin is it? And he keep nodding his head....he is so funny till I must blog it down.....hahahahha!!!!
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