Xmas Gift From Uncle Felix
What Color to Choose
Mommies, I need your help as I can't decide what color to choose for Kendra as both color are so cute for the A design.
Today is My Lucky Day
Second good news to share with you all is that my IELTS result finally arrived this afternoon. I feel so scare when I saw the Pos Express envelope was in my letter box when I got home just now. Without waiting any longer, I straight away open the envelope and check for the result...... Hooray, my nightmare is over, I scored the band required and I don't need to re-take the test again. That is really a good news to me as I don't wish to have any pressure from this IELTS again. I can finally enjoy my pregnancy now!!!!!!!
Hope more good news to come...... maybe I should go and buy lottery now, LOL!
@ 10 weeks
Length: 2.73cm
Heartbeat: 176 beats per minute
Head, hands and foot were seen through the ultrasound scan. For myself, I only gain 0.5kg from my last visit which was 2 weeks ago. I'm so surprise about the gain as I thought I will gain at least 2 to 3 kg because I ate a lots during this 2 weeks time.
Kendra was so excited when she saw the scan and when we got home, she keep on showing us her tummy and told us that she also got a baby inside....LOL!!! One thing I need to compliment her is that she was very behave during the scan, when the nurse try to give her a sweet and this was how she answered to the nurse....."Thank you, I don't want".....even my gynae also praise her for this as he seldom see a kids that will say NO to sweets/candies.
Looking forward to my next visit.....!!!!!
4 Great Holiday Gift Ideas

Christmas is approaching and have you done with your shopping gift list? I'm done for the gift to my sweetie pie and my mom's but I'm running out of idea what to buy for my dear hubby. Since I'm a SAHM(stay at home mom) now and got no income, I will go for something which is within my budget and I wish I don't over spend on this as the Chinese New Year is around the corner too. After some survey, I found this offer from Pexagon is very attractive. From now until the end of the year, there is offering 20% off 4 awesome personalized holiday gift ideas!
I plan to get hubby something which is unique and personalized holiday gifts for this Xmas. I think a personalized thumb drive is just perfect for him. From a starting price at $7.99 after discount, with 14 colors available and up to 16GB in capacity with FREE custom laser engraving!!
At the same time, I want to get my dad few personalized pens too! As he always left his pen somewhere else and can't find it by the end of day. With the engraving on the pens, he can easily identify his pens.
So, place your order for it now before it's too late!!!!

No. 2 is on the way
Everything were fine and so far I didn't came across any morning sickness and hope it will not come and visit me too!!!! My appetite is SUPER good. Before I'm preggie, I seldom took my lunch and now, I can't even skip any of my meals and the portion must be BIG enough to fulfill my hunger most of the time.
My next appointment will be on next Wednesday and I'm looking forward to this day. As I've promised Kendra to bring her along for my next visit to show her how's the baby looks. She is looking for this day to come too as the previous visit nothing much can see from the scan. Whenever I ask her whether she want a brother or sister, sure she will answered me she want a sister...... and this is what hubby and I wish to have too!
Stay tune for more updates!!!
Shot on The Spot!!!!

1) Take a picture of yourself right NOW!
5)Tag 10 people to do this.Now, I'm tagging according to the rules:
Donna, Penny, Vivian, Vicky, Joanne
My Dad's 60th Birthday
At first, we thought that Felix might not be joining us as his wife was down with high fever when they were in KL. I'm so glad to know that they changed their plan to going back to Singapore and joining us for the birthday dinner instead. This was really a good news to my dad as we can feel that he was so disappointed at first when he knew that his son and grandson didn't happen to come back to celebrate his birthday with him. Felix and his family drove back to Ipoh on Friday.
The night finally came and Kendra was so excited to present her cake to her gong gong. She was so happy during the dinner and keep on "stick" to her beloved gong gong. When Felix and family arrived, all the focus were on them especially his son - Rafael. This is the first time Rafael came back to Ipoh and all our relatives never see him before.
Here are some photo taken during the dinner...........
Madagascar Fever

Yupe...... Madagascar is her 2nd favourite after Shrek. When she first saw the Madagascar II advertisement on TV, she was so excited and keep on singing "I like to move it, move it......" Until her grandpa came and ask me what she want actually.... LOL!
I got a copy of the latest catalog of Tupperware and so happy to see the Madagascar items. Without think twice, I drove to the nearest Tupperware office with Kendra to grab the items. Initially, I just want to get a set of the tumbler and the One Touch Topper set. Too bad that the One Touch Topper set is a PWP item and need to spend RM50 from this range to get it. So, I thought of going home with empty hands since I don't have the intention to get 4 tumbler just for the One Touch Topper. Kendra was so disappointed when I told her that we are going home without any purchase of the Madagascar items. She start to show her pity face and keep sitting on the floor and don't let me to bring her home. The shop owner can't stand to see her pity face and allow me to purchase the One Touche Topper set without the required purchase amount. She was happily home with her "Alex" tumbler at the end.
Other than the Tupperware items, we lso get her the toys from McDonald. So far, only collected 3 pcs and still waiting for the others to be release. And the cute hairband is from McDonald too!
We brought her to the cinema on last Sunday for the show and she was so excited. Before this, I had told her that when we go to cinema, we will have pop corn, cheezel, coke....... that's why she is so looking forward to the show. After the show when we were walking to the car park, She told her daddy :"Tomorrow we come again ar...." Hubby and I can feel how she enjoy herself for the show and promise her to get her the DVD once it's available.
She is Diapers Free
We will asked her to go to the toilet before she go to bed and when she wake up in the next day morning, we will ask her to go to the toilet again. Phew!!!! She did it without fail for the past one week and we are so proud of her.
Now, my problem is how to get rid of the left over diapers in my store room. Maybe will sell it below the market price...... wait for my post ya!!!!
Recipe: American Baked Cheesecake
Digestive Biscuit Base
160g Digestive biscuit (finely crushed)
80g melted butter
Mix all ingredients until well-blended. Press it onto bottom of a 20cm loose bottom pan. Refrigerate for 15 minutes or until firm.
Ingredients A
625g cream cheese
170g sugar
Ingredients B
40g plain flour
Ingredients C
4 egg yolk
2 1/2 egg white
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 lemon zest
Ingredients D
200g whipping cream
Ingredients E
1 1/2 egg white
20g sugar
1. Wrap the outside of the digestive biscuit base tin with aluminium foil
2. Cream ingredients A until light. Add in ingredients B, mix until well-blended
3. Add in ingredients C, cream until smooth and light
4. Add in ingredients D, mix until well-combined
5. Whip ingredients E until the soft peak stage, add it into the above cheese mixture and mix until well incorporated
6. Pour the cheese mixture over the prepared biscuit base
7. Bake in water bath at 160 Celsius for 75 minutes or until golden brown
8. Allow to cool, keep refrigerated overnight.
American Baked Cheesecake
After I read a post from her blog, I got the inspiration to bake my very first Cheesecake this week. Although the cake looks a bit weird but the taste was good than what I'm expected.... yummy!!!

Carlsberg Web TV
Lately, hubby told me that Carlsberg have launched a web tv channel named www.partofthegame.tv. Lots of football information and video clips can be found here.
Maybe I should share this site with my dad so he will have more variety to watch his matches!!!

Disclosure Policy
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
Bento #5
This Bento was not packed for Kendra but for her daddy instead. Hope he will finish it during his lunch time later. I just simply fried the rice with some hams and mixed vege and layer it with some lettuce. The coleslaw was prepared yesterday and I can't find a small cup to hold it so I just use the lettuce (again) to hold it....heheheh!! The appetizer will be the kiwi as there are still plenty in the fridge!!!! I thought of prepare a bottle of apple juice for him too but he refuse to bring it. So, this is the only food for his lunch later.....enjoy ya!!!!
She Want To Be A Good Girl
This is the conversation between us........
mommy: tell mommy....... what??
Kendra: I don't want naughty girl already.
mommy: then what you want?
Kendra: I...I..... I want be a good girl already............ I want listen to mommy daddy!
mommy: who naughty just now?
Kendra: I....
mommy: who naughty just now
Kendra: Kendra......
mommy: so now Kendra want to be a......???
Kendra: Good girl
mommy: listen to who??
Kendra: listen to mommy daddy
mommy: promise ar..... promise
Kendra: I promise......
mommy: you want to be a.....????? (to reassure)
Kendra: GOOD GIRL!!!!
Huggies Tent
See, Kendra was so happy with her new tent until you can't see her eyes in one of the photo below..... hahahah!!!!
Bento #4
Inside the box, there are 2 pineapple tart, 2 cheese crackers with almond, a chocolate almond cookies (baked by myself) and some kiwis.
KWSP Member's Investment Withdrawal
Since the market are so bad now and I think it's a good time to stock up using the fund from our EPF (rather to fork out some money from our pocket)....heheheh!!!!
You may now check your amount that can be invested here and have more details on the withdrawal here.
Required Basic Savings In Account 1
Age | Basic Savings | Age | Basic Saving |
18 | 1,000 | 37 | 34,000 |
19 | 2,000 | 38 | 37,000 |
20 | 3,000 | 39 | 41,000 |
21 | 4,000 | 40 | 44,000 |
22 | 5,000 | 41 | 48,000 |
23 | 7,000 | 42 | 51,000 |
24 | 8,000 | 43 | 55,000 |
25 | 9,000 | 44 | 59,000 |
26 | 11,000 | 45 | 64,000 |
27 | 12,000 | 46 | 68,000 |
28 | 14,000 | 47 | 73,000 |
29 | 16,000 | 48 | 78,000 |
30 | 18,000 | 49 | 84,000 |
31 | 20,000 | 50 | 90,000 |
32 | 22,000 | 51 | 96,000 |
33 | 24,000 | 52 | 102,000 |
34 | 26,000 | 53 | 109,000 |
35 | 29,000 | 54 | 116,000 |
36 | 32,000 | 55 | 120,000 |
* the above information are gathered from EPF website.
Need Glasses?
After I read the article from Chicago Tribune, I found an online prescription eyeglasses store for cheaper frame and lens. From their website, I got to know that actually I can have few pairs of glasses with the amount my friend used to pay for her glasses. From rimless to plastic frame and single vision eyeglasses to complete progressive eyeglasses, you name it and they have it. Tons of frames for you to choose from with a super low price started at $8.oo. You must be wondering why they are able to sell their glasses at such low price. Zenni manufactures their own frames and sell directly to the customer. With this, no middleman and advertising fees are impose on the cost.
I need to get a backup pair of eyeglasses for myself and I think Zenni Optical is a wise choice to go for. Maybe I will get few pairs more so that I can have more stylish looks. What a good discovery! I hope you guys are tempted as I do now and let's visit Zenni Optical today for a brand new eyeglasses!
Bento #3
Rose Award

Wow, so many awards come to me this few days. Just finished my butterfly awards couple minutes ago and now got the Rose Award from Esmeralda, thanks so much for this lovely award.
The rules of the award are:
- The winner can put the logo on her blog.
- Link the person you received your award from.
- Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
- Put links of those blogs on yours.
- Leave a message on the blogs of the girls and boys you've nominated.
1. Vicky Low
2. Lovelymummy
3. Amanda
4. family first
5. Judy
6. Debbie
7. Jessica
Butterfly Award

Yay yay! I got this award from lovelymummy, Judy, Serene and family first at the same time. A big thanks to this 3 great mommies.
Here are the rules to go with the award:-
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
1. donna
2. Vivian
3. Violet
4. most of my blogger's friend are being awarded with this award....... so I only manage to nominate 3 in the list....
Shockig News
Rudd rolls up migrant welcome mat
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has flagged a cut in immigration because of the global financial crisis, faltering economic growth and a rise in unemployment.
Mr Rudd said the current immigration rate was an increase on the previous year.
He said that increase was to meet employer demands for more skilled workers, particularly in mining and resource intensive Western Australia and Queensland.
"As with all previous governments, and mine's the same, whenever we set immigration targets we will adjust them according to the economic circumstances of the day," he told the Fairfax Radio Network in Melbourne .
The 2008-09 Migration Program is set at 190,300 places, representing a 19.8 per cent increase on the 2007-08 program. The figure includes 56,500 places for family migrants sponsored by people already in Australia and 133,500 places for those with special skills.
But that's now been criticised as excessively large in a period of economic turmoil.
Mr Rudd said immigration was not one-size-fits-all across the country and the government would take advice on where skilled workers were needed.
Monash University researcher Andrew Markus has estimated that of the 21 million Australians, a quarter were born abroad - twice the proportion of the population in the United States and three times that of Britain.
Britain and New Zealand are still the largest source countries, but almost every country is represented.
Bento #2
My First Bento
I can't wait till 18th October for the grand opening of the 100 yen shop in Ipoh. I hope I can find some useful bento stuffs there.
Yesterday when we are about to sleep, hubby was playing with Kendra. Suddenly, she beat her daddy because daddy sleep on her pillow. Then hubby pretended crying by the hope Kendra will 'sayang' him but Kendra still don't bother him. Hubby got no way to go but saying sorry to his princess. Guess what is Kendra answer????
Kendra: Sorry no cure!!!!!!!
Hahahaha......... this is my answer to her everytime she apologized to me. Hubby and I laughed non stop after hearing her answer.
Online Shopping Advisor

If you are my regular blog reader, you will found that I love to shop online very much. When we talk about shop online, I'm sure the first question come out from your mind is " Does online shopping can be trusted?"
I still remembered that I was so worried when I place my first order online. I worried that my personal information will be disclose to the 3rd party and wonder whether the stuffs I ordered can be deliver to my doorstep safely. I dare not to shop other online shops which I never shop before. Thanks buySAFE given me a chance to write the review of their site so that I can go beyond the online shops I used to visit before this.
The buySAFE shopping Advisor is a free tool that makes online shopping safer and more secure. Shopping Advisor provides a tool to analyze e-commerce sites and provides a safe shopping portal, which consists of bonded sellers. Shopping Advisor only show you the search result from the bonded merchants and their security rating was displayed too. Once in the safe shopping portal, every purchase is guaranteed within the limits of the bond by buySAFE up to a limit of $25,000.
What's more, buySAFE also offer the referral program. $1.00 will be given to you for every person you refer to buySAFE who installs Shopping Advisor into their browser. So, don't wait and sign up your free account now!!!

Coach OP Art
Pre Celebration
Here are some photos taken by the teacher........
Selamat Hari Raya for those who celebrate this big day and Happy Holiday for those not celebrate it!!!!!!!
No Smell......
mommy: Kendra, come let mommy wash your hair
kendra: ok ok
mommy: come, wash your body
kendra: I don't want to use Cetaphil, please.... no smell........ use Shokubutsu or Sebamed la
mommy: what?
kendra: Cetaphil no smell no good, i want Sebamed la
Gosh...... a 2.5 years old girl will choose for her own body shampoo...... somemore can mentioned more than 2 brands of the shampoo...... I really not aware that she memorized what I said everyday.
Does your kids like raisin? Kendra like raisin very much and I got to know this brand raisin from my dad who bought the first can for us to try. After we have consume it, we really can feel the difference from what we normally had. Here are some info I got from the website:
**The sizes of Biogreen Super Large Organic Raisins are 3 to 4 times bigger than normal raisins, harvested from the organic farm that practices the natural harvesting method for more than 100 years, where the juice is not extracted out from the grapes after harvest. Adopting the traditional “hang-up & sun-dried” method in order to ensure the nutrients are maintained.
# They are organic, no pesticide, no coloring and additives
# They are one of the most nutritious dried fruits
# Cholesterol free
# Good source of iron
# Low in sodium and totally fat-free
# They provide many necessary vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, calcium and certain B vitamins
# Raisins are a good source of fiber and rich in antioxidants
# Raisins are 70% pure fructose (a natural form of sugar) which is easily digested for quick energy!
# You can satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing healthy teeth and gum
# This is an Argentina products
About Me
- peimun
- A happy go lucky mommy blessed with a lovely daughter and son. Thanks for my dear hubby who given me a chance to be a SAHM (Stay at home mom). Most of the time I enjoy shopping online and chat with my friends thru MSN. Like to know each and everyone of you.
- agnes & chermaine
- anggie, jeremy & jareth
- beemoon, yan yan & heng heng
- bonnie & wawa
- cp, kw & kx
- cynthia & breanna
- debbie, xandria & xavier
- dora & xj
- doreen & ryan
- family first & bryan
- hweili & chloe
- ivy & iyson
- ivy & wyson
- jess, darren & daphane
- joanne & sarah
- joey, kyra & maia
- judy & terry
- lee tin, adam & adlina
- lovely mummy & marcus
- mery & ryan
- mummy gwen
- queenie, chloe & ryan
- serene & chen xi
- soo hooi, chloe & ryan
- wyneth & jonas
blog I read.......
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Online Store
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